Progress Snapshots

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The beginning of the end

And so the last section of our build begins. We eagrly watch trades each day move in and out of the house, completing bits and pieces, making it the home we envisioned way back this time last year. Chippies coming in and finishing off skirtings, installing shelfs in cupboards, what would be assumed as the painter coming in to prep for his big task ahead of painting the entire house. The Tiler prepping all his areas for a full fledged tiling bonansa. Its all on like donkey kong and the banana party is in our living room!

Things we're picked up along the way that we're quite right are finally being recified, parts like the laundry cupboard that has been at the house, living in the living room (appropriate place) for over a month, has finally found its resting place in its true home. The house is beginning to look like it could be habitable by upstanding citizens of our great community.... you think this is full on for its progress, just you wait til i get the keys, then see whats written.

Back to reality, the supervisor has said all along that this is the month. I will definately be holding him to it. I do have to hand it to him, 2 days in and we're seen a fair amount of action. If this keeps up the pace, we should be waking up in our new home early December. No words can explain the excitement and anticipation of the day coming that we are handed the set of keys to do what we will with this house, and when that day comes, Ohhhh, let me tell you, EVRYONE will know about it! Bring on the next month!


  1. I have a fair idea of how you are feeling. We are definitely on the downhill slide now :)... Not too many sleeps left. :)

  2. Definately!! Exciting times, not looking forward to moving in the heat but cant wait to have the keys in our hands! Good luck, ill be counting down with u guys!!
